Random radishes

random knitting - i love knitting like this, as much as i love knitting within pattern constraints, i did it here and here - for me it's a great release of creative mayhem, working on small size needles with chunky yarn,  adding an aran yarn to a 4-ply or lace weight, bringing in a colour here another colour there and stuffing the object as i go with the loose ends of yarn and really getting to know yarn and what it can do - there is no pattern for these but i urge you to try - just start with a few stitches, increase decrease, no holds barred... it's such fun!

Blue boy

new to buy from etsy - these little outfits are easy and quick patterns to knit for your new baby doll! - & if dolls and babies aren't your thing at all check out my knitted random radishes post early next week - i'll get back to better blogging!

I give you...

my heart felt, felted heart, pin your message to yours -  (greyhound still available just scroll down past the pattern!)

Use any yarn you like
Place slip stitch on needle using heart yarn and size 3mm (US 2) needles.
Row 1 (inc) [K1, p1, k1] all into same st. (3 sts)
Row 2 (inc) [Kfb] 3 times. 6 sts. Slide sts to other end of needle without turning. Keeping gauge tight, pull working yarn across the back as i-cord.
Rnd 3 (inc) [Kfb] 6 times. 12sts
Knitting each set of 4 sts over 3 needles, with RS facing work in the rnd as follows:
Rnd 4 K12.
Rnd 5 (inc) [K5, Kfb] twice. 14sts
Rnd 6 (inc) [K6, Kfb] twice. 16sts
Rnd 7 (inc) [K7, Kfb] twice. 18sts
Cont to increase 2 sts on each rnd as set over next three rnds. 24sts
Rnd 11 (dec) K6, turn, p5, p2tog, p5, turn. 11 sts. Continue on this side of the bump at the top of the heart as follows:
Row 12 (dec) k2tog, k7, k2tog. 9sts
Row 13 P3, skpo, p4. 8sts
Row 14 K2tog, k4, k2tog. 6sts
Row 15 P2tog, p4, p2tog. 6sts
Bind off p-wise.
RS facing, rejoin yarn to 12 sts from other side of bump.
Rnd 11 (dec) K5, k2tog, k5. 11sts
Row 12 (dec) P2tog, p7, p2tog. 9sts
Row 13 K3, skpo, k4. 8sts
Row 14 P2tog, p4, p2tog. 6sts
Row 15 K2tog, k2, k2tog. 4sts
Bind off.
Turn heart to WS, join around each bump to join the heart, leaving a small gap for turning. Turn out to RS. Tuck in a little spare yarn to pad it out a bit then sew up the gap.

Princess Snowdrops' new coat

i've re-listed this as many of you couldn't open the last pdf link - please go to this link, or email me and i'll send you the pattern (er...actually - the real reason for re-listing - she has a new valentine-inspired coat that she is very proud of and wanted to share it with you!)
p.s i have now written this and the baby patterns as printer friendly patterns (no pictures, just black text - these will automatically be sent with the colour ones with any new order, however if you have ordered previously and would like one sent to you please do email me)
p.p.s the cushion she is playing on by the way was one i bought from tiny happy - it's our favourite and we love it!

a little something for baby...

hello, i've listed a few more patterns onto etsy, many, many 'thank yous' for those who bought the earlier ones. This one's a cute little sleepsuit with an even cuter beany hat!

Good Monday to you... and now to buy on etsy

finally and at last (it's taken all day!) i've posted 5 baby pdf patterns for sale, each priced at $4 usd. the pattern includes the baby and the nappy plus knitting how tos. see my etsy shop page for more details...

I love you cupcake! - a Valentine make...

another tea cozy! told you i loved them...

‘I love you cup-cake’ cozy

Tea cozy – 1 or 2 x 50g balls chunky (bulky) yarn  (60 metres/ 66 yards)
 - I used Debbie Bliss Donegal luxury tweed Chunky shade 9307
Cup-cake – DK (light-worsted weight) yarn  - 2 different colours in small amounts for cake (C), icing (I) and a small amount 4-ply for the cherry (Ch) and the hearts (H)
- I used Rowan Pure wool DK shade o14 Hay (C), Rowan Soft Baby shade 033 Sea Pink (I) and a tiny amount of Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift (4-ply) shade 525 Crimson (Ch) and shade 188 Sherbet (H)

Tea cozy - set size 5mm (US 8) double pointed needles
Cup-cake – set size 3mm (US 2) double pointed needles

Tea cozy – 21 rows and 14 sts to 4in (10cm), using MC and size 8 (5mm) needles and rib pattern
Cup-cake – not necessary

Tea cozy pattern
Using tea cozy yarn cast on 64 sts. Follow pattern from Nesting Tea Cozy Pattern.

Place slip stitch on needle using cake yarn and size 3mm (US 2) needles.
*Row 1 [K1, p1, k1] all into same st. (3 sts)
Row 2 P.
Row 3 [Kfb] 3 times. 6 sts
Row 4 P.
Row 5 [Kfb] 6 times. 12 sts
WS facing, slip 12 sts p-wise and divide equally over 3 needles.
With RS facing, keeping gauge fairly tight on first rnd, work in the rnd as follows:
Rnd 6 (RS) K12.
Rnd 7 [Kfb, k1] 6 times. 18 sts. Place marker.
Rnd 8 K.
Rnd 9 [Kfb, k1] 9 times. 27 sts
Rnd 10 K.
Rnd 11 [Kfb, k2] 9 times. 36 sts
Rnd 12 K36.**
Place marker, rep last once more.
Shape sides
Rnd 14 [k1, p1] 18 times.
Rep last rnd 10 times more.
Bind off in rib. Weave in ends.

Icing top
Using icing yarn and size 3mm (US 2) needles, cast on 1 st.
Work as cake base from * to **.
Rnd 13 K36.
Rep last rnd once more.
Bind off. The WS of this is also the right side.

Flip the cake inside out – the WS will now be the right side. Stuff the cake with spare yarn or toy filling. Tuck the icing into the open end of the cake – a bit tricky this bit – sew the icing onto the cake (use yarn or sewing thread, whichever is easiest).

Cast on 6 sts using cherry yarn and size 3mm (US 2) needles.
Row 1 [Kfb] 6 times. 12 sts
WS facing, slip 12 sts p-wise and divide equally over 3 needles.
With RS facing, keeping gauge fairly tight on first rnd, work in the rnd as follows:
Rnd 2 K12.
Rnd 3 [K1, Kfb] 6 times. 18 sts
Rnd 4 K18.
Rep last rnd twice more.
Rnd 7 [K1, k2 tog] 6 times. 12 sts
Rnd 8 K12.
Rnd 9 [K2 tog] 6 times. 6 sts. Stuff the cherry with spare yarn, cut working yarn and thread end through rem 6 sts, pull up and secure.
Sew the cherry to the top of the cake. Then sew the cake to the top of the cozy.

Place slip stitch on needle using heart yarn and size 3mm (US 2) needles.
Row 1 (inc) [K1, p1, k1] all into same st. (3 sts)
Row 2 (inc) [Kfb] 3 times. 6 sts. Slide sts to other end of needle without turning. Keeping gauge tight, pull working yarn across the back as i-cord.
Rnd 3 (inc) [Kfb] 6 times. 12 sts
Knitting each set of 4 sts over 3 needles, with RS facing work in the rnd as follows:
Rnd 4 K12.
Rnd 5 (inc) [K5, Kfb] twice. 14 sts
Rnd 6 (inc) [K6, Kfb] twice. 16 sts
Rnd 7 (inc) [K7, Kfb] twice. 18 sts
Cont to increase 2 sts on each rnd as set over next three rnds. 24 sts
Rnd 11 (dec) K6, turn, p5, p2tog, p5, turn. 11 sts. Continue on this side of the bump at the top of the heart as follows:
Row 12 (dec) k2tog, k7, k2tog. 9 sts
Row 13 P3, skpo, p4. 8 sts
Row 14 K2tog, k4, k2tog. 6 sts
Bind off p-wise.
RS facing, rejoin yarn to 12 sts from other side of bump.
Rnd 11 (dec) K5, k2tog, k5. 11 sts
Row 12 (dec) P2tog, p7, p2tog. 9 sts
Row 13 K3, skpo, k4. 8 sts
Row 14 P2tog, p4, p2tog. 6 sts
Bind off.
Join around each bump to join the heart, tucking in a little spare yarn to pad it out a bit as you sew.

Oh dear, oh dear! It's february...

gosh - not a great start to my blogging year - here is my make of the month for january! well i started it yesterday, does that count?  so - inspired by the sudden trill of birdsong which must mean spring is on its way - here is my nesting tea cozy pattern - i've never knitted a tea cozy before and i've suddenly realized how much i love them, i'm going to do another one, i have to,  what better thing to make - something cozy and warm for something that keeps you feeling cozy and warm - a nice cuppa!

Nesting-time tea cozy pattern

Tea cozy – 2 x 50g ball chunky (bulky) yarn  (60 metres/ 66 yards)
Bird – 4-ply (fingering weight) yarn  - 3 different colours in small amounts for beak (B), head (H) and main body (MB)
from my stash for the beak
Nest  - small amount chunky (bulky) wool yarn
- I used Berroco Peruvia Quick shade 9119 Mostaza and 9114 Chipotle plus a lovely green from my stash

Tea cozy - set size 5mm (US 8) double pointed needles
Bird – set size 2mm (US 2) double pointed needles

Tiny beads or toy eyes for bird’s eyes

Tea cozy22 rows and 14 sts to 4in (10cm), using MC and size 5mm (US 8) needles and rib pattern
Bird – tension for this project is not necessary as there is no limit to its size

Tea cozy pattern
Using yarn MC cast on 64 sts.
Slip 64sts p-wise and divide over three needles as follow: N1-21sts, n2-22sts, n3-21sts
With RS facing, keeping gauge fairly tight on first rnd, work in the rnd as follows:
Rnd 1 K64.
Rnd 2 [K3, p1] 16 times.
Rep last rnd 6 times more.
Divide for spout and handle
Rnd 9 (dec) Bind off 1 st, k1, p1, [k3, p1] five times, k3, bind off 10 sts in k3/p1 rib, k1, p1, [k3, p1] 6 times. 53 sts. Turn.
Work one side
Row 10 (WS) (dec) Bind off 1 st, p2, k1, [p3, k1] 5 times, p2. 26 sts.
Leave the other 26 sts on the needles.
Row 11 (RS) K2, [p1, K3] 6 times.
Row 12 (WS) [P3, k1] 6 times, p2.
Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. Cut yarn.
Work other side
WS facing, rejoin yarn to 26 sts from the other side, [p3, k1] 6 times, p2.
Row 10 (RS) K2, [p1, K3] 6 times.
Row 11 (WS) [P3, k1] 6 times, p2.
Rep last 2 rows 4 times more.
Join both sides
Row 21 (inc) K2, [p1, K3] 6 times, cast on 6 sts using Backward Loop method (instructions, if you need them, are at the end of the pattern), from other side of the cozy continue as follows: k2, [p1, k3] 6 times, backward loop cast on 2 sts, place marker, join in the rnd, cont as follows: 60 sts
Rnd 22 K2, [p1, k3] 14 times, p1, k1. Pull sts tightly as you knit across the junctions to avoid gaps.
Rep last rnd six times more.
Shape top
Rnd 29 (dec) K2tog, [p1, k1, k2tog] 14 times, p1, k1. 45 sts
Rnd 30 K1, [p1, k2] 14 times, p1, k1.
Rnd 31 (dec) Sl1, [p1, k2tog] 14 times, p1, k last stitch and slipped stitch from beg of rnd together. 30 sts
Rnd 32 [P1, k1] 15 times.
Rnd 33 (dec) [k2tog, p2tog] 15 times. 15 sts
Rnd 34 [K1, p1] 7 times, k1.
Cut yarn, thread end through all 15 sts, pull up tight to close up the hole and secure the end.
Weave in all loose ends.

Backward Loop Cast On - Hold the working yarn in your left hand with the needle in your right. Extend your left index finger parallel to the yarn, dip your finger under the yarn and towards you. Move the tip of the needle from the base of your finger so that the needle is through the loop with your finger. Remove your finger then tighten the loop on the needle.

Using yarn B, cast on 1 st.
Row 1 Knit into front and back of slip knot. 2 sts
Row 2 [Purl into front then knit into back of st] twice. (4 sts)
Row 3 Kfb, k2, kfb. 6 sts
Row 4 P.
Change to yarn H.
Row 5 Kfb, k2, kfb. 8 sts.
WS facing, slip 8sts p-wise and divide over three needles as follow: N1-3sts, n2-2sts, n3-3sts
RS facing, keeping gauge fairly tight on first rnd, work in the rnd as follows:
Rnd 6 Kfb, k6, kfb. 10 sts
Rnd 7 Kfb, k8, kfb. 12 sts
Rnd 8 K.
Rnd 9 Kfb, k10, kfb. 14 sts
Work st st (each rnd k) for 2 rows.
Rnd 12 K14, turn to shape back of head.
Rnd 13 P14.
Rnd 14 K14.
Change to yarn MB, cont in rnd as follows:
Rnd 15 K7, m1, k7. 15 sts
Rnd 16 K.
Shape body
Rnd 17 [K3, m1] 4 times, k2, kfb. (20 sts)
Rnd 18 K.
Rnd 19 [K5, m1] 3 times, k4, kfb. (24 sts)
Rnd 20 K.
Rnd 21 [K6, m1) 3 times, k5, kfb. (28 sts)
Rnd 22 K.
Rnd 23 [K7, m1] 3 times, k6, kfb. (32 sts)
Rnd 24 K.
Rnd 25 [K8, m1] 3 times, k7, kfb. (36 sts)
Work st st for 5 rows.
Rnd 31 [K2 tog, k15] twice, k2 tog. (33 sts)
Rnd 32 K2 tog, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog. (31 sts)
Rnd 33 K2 tog, k12, k3 tog, k12, k2 tog. (27 sts)
Rnd 34 K2 tog, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog. (25 sts)
Rnd 35 K2 tog, k9, k3 tog, k9, k2 tog. (21 sts)
Rnd 36 K2 tog, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog. (19 sts)
Rnd 37 K2 tog, k6, k3 tog, k6, k2 tog. (15 sts)
Rnd 38 K2 tog, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog. (13 sts)
Rnd 39 K2 tog, k3, k3 tog, k3, k2 tog. (9 sts)
Stuff the bird.
Rnd 40 K2 tog, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog. (7 sts) Turn.
Row 41 [p1, k1] 3 times, p1.
Row 42 [k1, p1] 3 times, k1.
Rep last 2 rows 4 times more.
Cast off in rib.
Sew on the beads, or snap on the toy eyes, and sew up the beak and beginning of the head.

Cut a single length of yarn to tie around the middle of the simple pompom and place it next to you - you will need this in a moment. Wind the yarn for the nest around your fingers, all four fingers at once. Wind about 10 times if you are using three strands of yarn at once as I did. When you have wound enough yarn, take the single length and slip it between your middle and ring finger and tie it around the bundle. Pull it tight to prevent the bundle from falling apart (for a great way to make tiny pompoms go to this link!) Cut the yarn along the sides – watch your fingers!
Sew the raggy pompom onto the top of the tea cozy, then sew the bird on the top of the nest.