coming soon for 2013...

POMPODOMS! - dolls to buy ready made but clothe/ dress yourself... oh.. and a new spruced up site...

... and that's all from me for this year folks - many, many thanks for all your support in 2012

                                   'have fun and happy times - shout hoorah!' & shake those pompoms!

... and you've still time to knit this...

free pattern here and on my ravelry page - here
- we used ours as an advent calendar -each bell representing the date...

peg up your stocking...

my daughter makes these a lot and I love her latest lords and ladies...

a Christmas bunny maybe?

believe it or not this is the same pattern as the donkey one yesterday - see below - but with these changes: - I used an aran yarn - pure wool one because I felted him - with 4.5mm (US 7) needles and when i sewed the arms and legs on I stitched them nearer the back than on the sides of the body (there are about 7 sts on the bunny back between the fore legs for example) and of course a pompom tail to replace the knitted one...

or this one... for your Appley doll

free (for a limited time only) Appley Dapply sweater pattern below - the doll pattern is available to buy from Ravelry or Etsy

Make as one piece...
Beg at neck, using 2, 3mm (US size 2) needles and 4 ply yarn cast on 72 sts.
Divide sts over 3 dpns – 24 sts onto each needle.
Without twisting the yarn join for working in the rnd. Without turning work, cont as follows:
1st rnd (RS) [K1, p1] 36 times. Place marker to mark beg of rnd.
Next rnd Rep last rnd until ribbed collar measures 4.5 cm/ 1.75 in. from cast on edge.
Next rnd K72.
Rep last rnd until piece measures 6 cm/ 2.5 in. from cast on edge.
Divide for sleeves
Next rnd K16, place marker, knit into front and back of st to increase one stitch called - kfb, k2, m1, place marker (right arm), k34, place marker, m1, k2, kfb, place marker, (left arm), K16. 76sts
Next rnd K76.
Next rnd (inc) K16, slip marker, m1, k5, m1, slip marker (right arm), k34, slip marker, m1, k5, kfb, slip marker, (left arm), K16. 80sts
Next rnd K80.
Next rnd (inc) K16, slip marker, m1, k7, m1, slip marker (right arm), k34, slip marker, m1, k7, kfb, slip marker, (left arm), K16. 84sts
Next rnd K84.
Next rnd (inc) K16, slip marker, m1, k9, m1, slip marker (right arm), k34, slip marker, m1, k9, kfb, slip marker, (left arm), K16. 88sts
Next rnd K88.
Next rnd (dec) K16, k across 11 sts from Right Arm then slide them off needle and onto a length of spare yarn, k next 34sts, k across 11 sts from Left Arm then slide them off needle and onto a length of spare yarn, k16. 66sts
Next rnd (inc) K16, use Backloop Cast On (Bl) to cast on 4 sts under r. arm, k34, Bl cast on 4 sts under l. arm, k16. 74sts
Tighten your tension as you knit beneath the arms on the next couple of rnds to avoid gaps.
Next rnd (inc) K18, m1, k30, m1, k18. 76sts

Work lace patt. onto Front
Patt. Rnd 1 K21, K7, [P1, k6] four times, k20.
Patt. Rnd 2 K76.
Patt. Rnd 3 K21, k1, yo, k2, psso, k2, [p1, yo, k2, psso, k2] four times, k20.
Patt. Rnd 4 K76.
Patt. Rnd 5 K21, k2, yo, k2, psso, k1, [p1, k1, yo, k2, psso, k1] four times, k20.
Patt. Rnd 6 K76.
Patt. Rnd 7 K21, k3, yo, k2, psso, [p1, k2, yo, k2, psso] four times, k20.
Patt. Rnd 8 K76.
Patt. Rnd 9 K21, k7, [P1, k6] four times, k20.
Patt. Rnd 10 K76.
Patt. Rnd 11 K21, k3, k2 tog, k2, yo, [p1, k2, k2 tog, k2, yo] four times, k20.
Patt. Rnd 12 K76.
Patt. Rnd 13 K21, k2, k2 tog, k2, yo, k1, [p1, k1, k2 tog, k2, yo, k1] four times, k20.
Patt. Rnd 14 K76.
Patt. Rnd 15 K21, k1, k2 tog, k2, yo, k2, [p1, k2 tog, k2, yo, k2] four times, k20.
Rep rnds 1 – 10 once more.
Next rnd [K1, p1] 38 times.
Rep last rib rnd five times. Cast off in rib.
*Slide 11 sts held on spare thread for sleeve onto 2 mm (US size 0) dpns. Rejoin yarn, [k2, m1] 5 times, k1, pup&k 7 sts
across gap at Underarm. Join in rnd. 22sts
Next rnd K22.
Rep last rnd until sleeve measures 3 cm/ 1.25 in
Next rnd [K1, p1] 11 times.
Rep last rnd 3 times. Cast off **.
Repeat from * to ** for other sleeve. Weave in all ends.