... 'the sun has got his hat on..

la la dee da dee'... 
hope the sun is shining with you today 
- if not, share mine!

i have a new facebook page...

- the first 10 likes add a comment below this post too, so I know - can pick a pattern of their choice! - it's here https://www.facebook.com/DotPebbles - I just want to check that it's working!

... and now for something completely different...

... well kind of different - I just liked the title - I have designed something similar to these, remember the reindeer trophy? These are my fairground pony trophies and they are available in pattern form as pdf from here -
p.s did you know that you can still purchase Ravelry patterns and not be a Ravelry member - just found that out!

dot's dots

. . . .I've been working out a design for a spots . . . - or dots : : : - pattern and come up with this . . . . .  which is a really lovely way to knit - working a series of short rows with slipped stitches
- the trial and error piece has become a fetching face cloth! ! !

hoorah, hooray

we've snow today...
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry for that ridiculous outburst but we don't get it very often and it's so lovely here when we do!

for sale...

at the moment I have 6 - butterfly, petal, finny, vik, moshi and tootle available here...

what's news?

it's all new - and a new site to browse too... have a peak - i'm building up a collection of these dolls to sell so keep checking back if you're interested!

Christmas past...

and in with the new - I'm really looking forward to getting back into routine tomorrow... see you then! x