a surprise gift!

It's Christmas at the shop and here's a little surprise just waiting for someone to buy…
or free pattern below!
Use sock yarn or 4 ply yarn in white (MC) and pink for tail feet and tail
you will also need two tiny toy eyes, or tiny seed beads or just embroidery thread worked as french knots and small amount of toy filling or spare yarn for stuffing.
Head, front legs, body, back legs and tail make as one piece
Using 2.5 mm (US size 1) needles and yarn MC cast on 2 sts.
Next row (inc row) (RS) (Knit into front and back of st - called Kfb), twice. (4 sts)
Next row (inc row) (WS) *Purl into front, knit into back of st - called Pfkb, rep from * across. (8 sts)
Next row (inc row) (RS) (Kfb) twice, K4, (Kfb) twice. (12 sts)
Next row (inc row) (WS) Pfkb, P to last st, Pfkb. (14 sts)
Next row (inc row) (RS) Kfb, K to last st, Kfb. (16 sts)
Beg with a P row, cont in stocking st for 7 rows, so ending with a WS row.
Top of head shaping
Next row (RS) K11, turn.
Next row (WS) Sl1, P5, turn.
Next row (RS) Sl1, K4, turn.
Next row (WS) Sl1, P3, turn.
Next row (RS) K9 sts across to end.
Next row (inc row) (WS) (Pfkb) twice, P to last 2 sts, (Pfkb) twice. (20 sts)
Next row (inc row) (RS) Kfb, K to last st, Kfb. (22 sts)
Beg with a P row, cont in stocking st for 3 rows, so ending with a WS row.
Divide for front legs
Next row (RS) (Kfb) three times, slip next 5 sts off needle onto a small safety pin, (Kfb) 6 times, slip next 5 sts off needle onto a small safety pin, (Kfb) three times - keep tension tight to avoid large gaps as you knit beneath the sts held on the pins. (24 sts)
Beg with a P row, cont in stocking st for 3 rows, so ending with a WS row.
Next row (inc row) (RS) K12, M1, K12. (25 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (inc row) (RS) K12, M1, K1, M1, K12. (27 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (inc row) (RS) K13, M1, K1, M1, K13. (29 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (inc row) (RS) K14, M1, K1, M1, K14. (31 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (inc row) (RS) K15, M1, K1, M1, K15. (33 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (inc row) (RS) K16, M1, K1, M1, K16. (35 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (dec row) (RS) K16, K3 tog, K16. (33 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (dec row) (RS) K15, K3 tog, K15. (31 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (dec row) (RS) K14, K3 tog, K14. (29 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (dec row) (RS) K13, K3 tog, K13. (27 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Next row (dec row) (RS) K12, K3 tog, K12. (25 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Divide for back legs
Next row (dec row) (RS) K3, slip next 6 sts off needle onto a small safety pin, K7, slip next 6 sts off needle onto a small safety pin, K3 - keep tension tight to avoid large gaps as you purl in front of the sts held on the pins. (13 sts)
Next row (WS) P.
Divide for tail
Next row (dec row) (RS) (K2 tog) twice, K1, slip next 3 sts off needle onto a small safety pin, K1, (K2 tog) twice - keep tension tight to avoid too large a gap as you knit beneath the sts held on the pin. (6 sts)
Break yarn, thread end through rem sts, pull up tightly and secure thread.

Front legs
Slip 5 sts held on safety pins for Front Legs onto 2 mm (US size 0) dpns. RS facing, rejoin pink yarn, K5 work as i cord for 6 rows or until leg measures 1 inch.
Cast off.

Back legs
Slip 6 sts held on safety pins for Back Legs onto 2 mm (US size 0) dpns. RS facing, rejoin pink yarn, K5 work as i cord for 6 rows or until leg measures 1 inch.
Cast off.

Slip 3 sts from safety pin onto 2mm (US size 0) dons  rejoin pink yarn cont with i cord until tail measures about 3 inches.
Break yarn, thread end through rem sts, pull up tightly and secure thread. Weave in the end to inside.

Ears make 2 alike
Using 2, 2 mm (US size 0) dpns and yarn MC (main body colour) cast on 5 sts, leaving a long tail with which to sew ear to head.
Next row (inc row) (RS) Kfb, K3, Kfb.  Turn. (7 sts)
Next row (WS) P. Turn.
Next row (dec row) (RS) K2, K3 tog, K2. Turn. (5 sts)
Next row (WS) P. Turn.
Next row (inc row) (RS) K1, K3 tog, K1. (3 sts)
Break yarn, thread end through rem sts, pull up tightly and secure thread.
To make up
Following the manufacturer’s guidelines snap eyes in place (if using) either side of the nose (or sew on beads or embroider french knots), stuff the mouse's head and body then sew backstitch, RS facing. Sew ears to top of the head.
Oversew to close any gaps left under the arms., Bend the fore legs un towards the body and sew in place as you can see in the photograph.


I love working in our shop - so many lovely folk pop in… but if you can't get there we'll get a website set up soon so you'll be able to do online shopping too - 

Happy Thanksgiving…

cousins! - It's all great - and grand…
Which reminds me - TA-DA! - it's our grand opening of our little shop by the sea in Cornwall - if you can come I would love to see you, here's your personal ticket, and hand you a glass of Glogg!

New beginnings…

So sorry I've been away for so long,
But …and there's always a but!
… a very good friend and I are in the beginnings of opening a new shop - a real stone wall shop with a lilac front door - It's called Linen and Clay and will sell all Anna's lovely hand made goodies, her ceramics and sewn items and also my crochet and knit fripperies - here's the link to our Facebook page if you'd like to learn how we get on day by day… such excitement!

pondering about…

this panda pompom… I loved making mine via this tutorial from mrprintables.com


Not dear at all…
Free in fact
Go to here for this not dear free deer!

on your marks…

get set
4 Christmas
with these four gift ideas to knit…
Buy all four of these Get-Set-Christmas patterns for the special price of US $13.00! - (normal price for all four is US $ 18.17)

7 days - and maybe an extra £5.00 off! Oh my!

with this voucher code lovesummer14 - that's 20% off any of my patterns for the next seven days! Plus - if you're new to Etsy and wish to join this fantastic market place for free here's a link to £5.00 off your first purchase - Etsystore
Maybe you'll chose these guys?

money saving countdown…

10 days
to get 20% off - with coupon lovesummer14 -
any one of the my patterns from Ravelry or Etsy
like the one…

Hey - it's the first September today…

that means only 21 days to go for this offer -
voucher code at Etsy and Ravelry lovesummer14 − 20% off all patterns 
- Offer ends 21September 2014 12.00 midday BST!
That includes this pattern… for frog

what a star…

a quickie make for someone who is…
Here's how to…
Make 1 front and one back similarly
• Make 2ch
• 10 dc in ch 1
• 2dc in all stitches (20sts)
• 3dc, 2dc in next stitch * repeat (25sts)
• 4dc, 2dc in next stitch * repeat (30sts)
• Continue with 5,6,7 etc. dc between increases (or until the star is the size you want it to be) - this star has 50sts in total
• Star points:
• make ch 1 and turn the work
• 1dc in each of next 10 stitches, ch 1, turn
• 2dc tog, dc in next 6 sts, 2dc tog, ch 1, turn
• 1dc in each of next 8 stitches, ch 1, turn
• 2dc tog, dc in next 4 sts, 2dc tog, ch 1, turn
• 1dc in each of next 6 stitches, ch 1, turn
• 2dc tog, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc tog, ch 1, turn
• 1dc in each of next 4 stitches, ch 1, turn
• 2dc twice, ch 1, turn
• 1dc in each of next 2 stitches, ch 1, turn
• 2dc tog
• Now make 1 ch in each row end down the left side. Finish with a sl st in the 10th st from where you started the points
• Continue to make 4 more points in same way.
Sew front to back either by working dc sts all around through both thicknesses - stuffing before completing - or by back stitching (RS facing) leaving a gap then turning out through gap, stuffing and completing the seam sewing.

For mine I used a DK cotton with a 4.5mm hook (N.B  - DC as english version =SC in US version)

Summer sale - just to say…

…add coupon code lovesummer14 for either Etsy or Ravelry to use unlimited times for 20% discount on all of my patterns throughout the WHOLE OF SUMMER! Offer ends 21September 2014 12.00 midday BST!
Because I do!


at last (long, long last!) my webshop is actively waiting for your comments and browsing… it's called egg and spoon and basically is a collection of my homemade bits and bobs - a step aside (but not away from) my patterns - AND IT'S HERE (sorry for shouting!)

crochet made by me…

…for you
- finished gifts coming soon; as soon as I get my head round my new website!

Happy hoppy Easter folks!!

Sorry I've not been blogging mad but I've been working on pieces for my soon to come website shop! - & this bunny will be one of the items I will have for sale

Oh knickers!

fabulously frivolous home-made ones - make this your Easter project - the brilliant knicker kit was from #flojoboutique


YAY - congratulations Amanda! (can you email me you address please)
… and many, many thanks to everyone who left a comment - interestingly letter 'R' was most popular, followed by dear ampersand (my personal fave!)
… and fear not those who didn't win - I have another giveaway competition coming up in the next couple of days with the launch of my new website, so don't go away!

… and the winner is…

soon to be announced - so many brilliant comments to make it fair I'm going to do a lucky dip…

getting all wrapped up and ready to go…

but to whom - you've one day left!
Get your comments in to win
see a few posts below for details…

just a weekend away

from choosing a winner
- therefore two days and a few hours still to enter 
(to win a signed copy and a knitted heart - see below for more details!)

psst - Mothering Sunday on Sunday!

At a loss for an idea - how about one of these cute and simple bracelets?… Free pattern here

interview time...

rightee here thanking you kindly Alana Dakos @http://nevernotknitting.blogspot.co.uk/
It's all about the letters and a few more other bits!
... oh and don't forget you've still got time to enter the competition to win a signed book... aaaand - this heart! Scroll below for details!

Egg & Spoon…

…coming soon
for Spring
email me your email address if you would like to be one of the first to see it…

blog hopping…

here's to hopping - and hoping - because for you there are a few chances to win a copy of my book Knit the Alphabet
Ta dah! - here goes!
First up -
My offering - a signed copy and the hand knit heart pictured - to enter just say which would be your first letter to knit and why?
Giveaway ends on Monday 7th April at midday BST when I will pick the winner!
B O L!

Hello Spring (almost) / why wait - buy Spring now!

S P R I N G is available from my shop and Ravelry (and you don't have to be a Ravelry member to purchase a pattern by the way!)
… and feel free to…

It's nearly…


Crochet letters for S, P, R, I, N, G, pattern downloads available tomorrow from my Etsy shop and Ravelry at a special early Spring offer - all 6 letters for just £3

it's a string thing…

today I'm loving crocheting with good ol' cotton string!

or… say it with knitting

… these characters are patterns from my soon-to-be-published book - Knit the Alphabet

A whole lot of Pixie…

I've combined Pixie doll and Pixie's outfits to one big lot which will save you over US$6.00! - Grab it in now my shop - here…
P.S There is an extra pattern to be had too!

letter ps - or podded peas from Dot Ps

whilst dabbling away at my crochet letters, which I'm working on at the moment, I suddenly realised that the beginning few rounds look very much like pea pods - so I've made a tiny pea pod brooch to share with you - it's here for free - if you'd like to have a go!

Happy new crochet doll

a first from me for February the first… see more of the pattern here Etsy and here Ravelry… or direct from me for £3.50 simply follow this Paypal link buy now!