Quick Chick!

... for those - who with still hundreds of things to do - still have to knit!
Quick Chic
1. Cast on 18sts in Aran or DK yarn and 4mm needles (or ones to suit your yarn)
2. Knit (in garter stitch) rows to create a square
3. Cast off
4. Fold in half across the diagonal - corner to corner
5. Fold in half across the diagonal again
6. Over-sew the outer row ends of each diagonal side together - this become the hen’s back
7. Over sew the folded ends leaving about 2cm from the hen’s back down - splay this open part out to become the hen’s tail feathers
8. Shape the hen to create a slight curve along the back
9. With embroidery thread or similar work a short row of blanket stitch from the point (beak) created at the diagonal edge
10. Then work either a single lazy daisy petal for each wattle or just a couple of straight lines per wattle to complete

Darling little Dala!

A dearly delightful (sorry, over do-ing the 'Ds' a little here!) Christmas gift to give - and the pattern is free here - claire-garland patterns
"Happy Christmas!"

hand in the clouds

the softest, airiest woolen gloves - but so unbelievably warm you simply have to knit them - and hey! It's a free pattern today! #freebeefridayknits pattern here

Fluff to spiff up your tree...

Knitted bauble

Set 4 x 7mm dpns
Spare yarn or toy stuffing

Cast on 8 sts. 
Divide over 3 needles – 3 – 2 – 3
Work in the round placing a marker at the beginning to show where rounds begin/ end.
R1 - Kfb all sts. 16sts
R2 - K.
R3 - [K1, kfb]. 24sts
R4 - K.
R5 - [K2, kfb]. 32sts
R6 - K.
R7 - [K3, kfb]. 40sts
R8 - K.
R9 - [K4, kfb]. 48sts*
R10 - R16   K 7 rounds.
R17 - [K1, skpo] to last 2 sts of round, k2 tog.
R18 - K.
Rep last 2 rounds until there are 16 sts remaining.
Stuff to make the bauble as good and as round a ball shape as you can get.
Cut yarn to 20cm, thread end through the remaining sts – twice pull up to close the hole  - this is the top of the bauble.
Join a length of twine or ribbon to the top of the bauble to make a hanging loop.

deer, deer, deer...

Available in small, medium and large - and totally free today only! #freebefridayknits pattern here

Snow White Goose

A doorstop - a friend - a gift? Whatever it's free today on this WHITE FRIDAY/ not BLACK FRIDAY Day - but for one day only - #freebeefridayknits @dotpebbles will explain everything!
Pattern righty here

Bunny fluff...

#freebeefridayknits - a gift for you and yours... pattern here


No - don't be! It's #freebeefridayknits free pattern Friday - go to this link to catch the fox

Inspired by acorns...

Autumn is definitely in the air right now - it's colder today than of late too - thankfully here's a free hat pattern for all the family #freebeefridayknits - pattern

Christmas Pixie

A mini version in a different knit - and free for 24 hours here #freebeefridayknits @dotpebbles @pixiemoon_doll

Leafy purse with leaves - inside and out!

I do love a meaty title - and a kind of cryptic one too - pattern is freshly planted here - Ravelry


for when it gets a little cooler - #freebeefriday knits mitts - right here --> FREE PATTERN

Get ahead for Christmas pattern #1 -

Only 17 Fridays to go up until Christmas  - here's the first - pattern here
#freebeefridayknits @dotpebbles on Instagram

Happy Froggy Friday!

Today's free pattern - join the fun every Friday with a free-for-a-day pattern under the hashtag #freebeefridayknits on Instagram - posted via Ravelry

Gotta love a pouf...

This crochet one is cool - made form t shirt yarn which is tough and strong... and like I said - cool - buy it here

What's all this monkey business?

A #freebeefridayknits pattern that's what - homage to the Brazil Olympics 2016 have a Brazilian Spider Monkey on me today - see ravelry Claire Garland/ Dot Pebbles design for details!

Flying free on a Friday!

#freebeefridayknits for today - take some Cornish bird - these are the ones I sell in my shared Cornish shop Linen And Clay - so they are speedy quick - in shades of Cornishware blue too! Pattern for free here - Ravelry

Socks with tatt - titude!

Why wouldn't you - festivals cry out for these - start now though because they do take a week each one (hence I have only one on offer!!) - the #freebeefridayknit pattern is here -> Ravelry - remember it's free for only a day - so pull up your socks and get to it!

mid-summer magical toadstools and mushrooms...

... Let's have 'em - all those mushroom puns!
Quick, simple - maybe weird? - A must for lovers of all things magic... and fab for... dare-I-say-it... a 'Christmas' decoration!
Just make it fun-gi.. s! - Pattern link here - Ravelry

Bear hugs

we all need them sometime if not all the time! This pattern is free today as part of my #freebeefridayknits on Instagram @dotpebbles - and it's here ---> Ravelry

anyone for strawberries?...

perfect with tennis
- and a little sweet, simple, strawberry FREE pattern...
P.S - would you like to join in with my IG hashtag #freebeefridayknits ? - click the link here, follow and get a free pattern EVERY Friday!
Strawberries pattern
I used Scheepjes Catona 25gm balls  in shades of red  and green with 3.25mm/ size 3 needles for mine
Cast on 19sts
*Row 1 RS) K3, turn
Row 2 WS) Slip 1 knit-wise, k2
Row 3 K9, turn
Row 4 Slip 1 knit-wise, k8
Row 5 K15, turn
Row 6 Slip 1 knit-wise, k14
Row 7 K12, turn
Row 8 Slip 1 knit-wise, k11
Row 9 K6, turn
Row 10 Slip 1 knit-wise, k5
Rows 11 - 12 Garter stitch 2 rows**
Rep last 12 rows from * to ** 3 times.
To join the cast on edge with live stitches on the needle you are now going to knit them together as you cast (bind) off, as follows:
Have cast on edge adjacent to the live stitches
*Tip of needle into the first 'live' stitch (as if to knit) then needle into first cast on stitch nearest to that (knit-wise), pull yarn through both stitches and onto the needle in the right hand*,  repeat from * to *  - 2 stitches are now on the needle in the right hand - cast off (first stitch over the second and off the needle), repeat so to knit the live stitch with cast on stitch and then cast off all along the row/ cast on edge to the tip of the strawberry. Fasten off.
Turn the strawberry right way out.
Stuff  then work a running stitch around the open edge at top of the strawberry, pull up to gather and close the top. Weave in the end.
Stamen - with green yarn work a ten spoke star shape across the top of the strawberry, work over the star again so that each spoke is two strands thick, weave the end into the middle of the star pull it through to RS and snip it for the stalk.
Work little short dashes with yellow/ ochre embroidery thread or fine yarn for the seeds - if you look at a strawberry the seeds are positioned in four dot diamond-shape symmetry.
And that's it!

Midsummer madness...

the #freebeefridayknits pattern I have for you today is homage to the mystery and magic that this time of year promises - it's called Unicorn Moon and I know it's a bit different to the other #freebeefridayknits - I just hope you like it?  - the pattern is here - Ravelrylink

Gift idea for Teacher

Teachers like books - right? - You love knitting - right again? - Well here's a gift to suit both... bookmark bird - knits in under an hour...
And it's FREE!  - from here...

Public enemy no.1...

Well here in Cornwall anyway...
'Though I have to admit they are truly remarkable aviators...
this ones for you, for free, for today
as part of my #freebeefridayknits on Instagram - enjoy it until it flies off into the sun

Not Bombay...

... but Ombre Duck - today's Happy Friday #freebeefriday knit - for you
Makes a great bath toy - I stuffed mine with cut up old towelling
Pattern here

Lucky stork

- knit one for whom ever needs it
I'm knitting them for my children who have been working hard towards their imminent exams later this month - something to slip into their bags as a little luck reassurance...
 - this pattern is free today as part of #freebeefridayknits @dotpebbles Instagram - the pattern is posted ready for download - here

Love me - love my dog...

Free for Friday 29th April
- do you love it? Download your pattern from here 

Flamingo follow...

... for fun free friday patterns (oh why can't 'patterns' begin with a letter 'f' - I love alliteration!)
What I mean to say is follow my Instagram @dotpebbles for free patterns for one day only, like this flamingo, every Friday! FANTASTIC FUN

Fancy that - a flamingo!

And it's free today - catch him while you can! - over here ---> dotpebbles' patterns

These boots... {and shoes} are made for...

Today's #freebeefridayknits joint Instagram and Ravelry feed...
Have fun with these - I'd love to see some real tiny ones - tag yours with Instagram #myfreebeefridayknits - pleeease!

Sorry about this title...

ERRATA (sorry about that, I uploaded the wrong pattern!) - this is what the pattern should read:

End of short rows for Side A dec) Cast off 7sts, k10, kfb, k1, kfb, k to end -  34sts
...short rows for feet - Side B
Rep as for Side A feet short rows 1 - 7 from * to **
Row 10 dec) Cast off 7sts, k10, k to end - 27sts

Short row 1 K13, W+T
Short row 2 K12, W+T
Short row 3 K11, W+T
Short row 4 K10, W+T
Short row 5 K9, W+T
Short row 6 K8, W+T
Short row 7 K21, W+T
Short row 8 K10, W+T
Short row 9 K9, W+T
Short row 10 K8, W+T
End of short row 11 K to end

Row 11 dec) Skpo, k to last 2 sts, k2 tog - 25sts
Row 12 K
Row 13 dec) Skpo, k10, kfb, k to last 2 sts k2 tog - 24sts 
Rows 14 - 16 Work 3 rows garter stitch

Row 17 inc) Cast on 8 sts, k across - 32sts
Row 18 inc) Cast on 8 sts, k across - 40sts
Rows 19 - 26 Work 8 rows garter stitch
Row 27 dec) Cast off 12 sts, k to end - 28sts
Row 28 dec) Cast off 12 sts, k to end - 16sts

etc. etc...

... but it seemed so right at the time - #freebeefridayknit no.4 - New Delhi Ele Tea Cosy
here in Ravelry and free for 24 hours!


As seen on my Instagram feed under the hashtag #sleepanywheredoll - I figured you may wish to make your own and join in the fun by sharing yours at #mysleepanywheredoll
... that said here's the pattern

Use any 4 ply or sock weight cotton or fine yarn in body colour and 3mm/ size C crochet hook for her head, arms and legs and in dress colour and 3.75mm/ size F hook for dress

N.B - DC = English double crochet (US terminology = SC)

Foundation Chain Starting with a slip knot and smaller hook make 4 chain.
You will now work around (i.e either side of) the foundation chain
enabling you to crochet in the round as follows:
Round 1 1DC in each of the 4 chain - now, turn your work upside down
to work into the remaining loops of the chain stitches. (When you
are done, your last stitch should be next to the first stitch you made) – 8dc
Round 2 inc) 2DC into each 8dc - 16dc
Round 3 inc) 2DC into next dc, 1DC into each next 7dc, 2DC in next dc, 1DC into each next 7 dc to end of the round – 18dc.
Round 4 1DC into each 18dc

Continue to work in rounds of crochet until piece measures 6mm/ 1 inch, placing a marker at the beginning of the round so that you know where to begin and end (about 7 or 8 rounds)

Next round dec) 2DC tog, 1DC into each next 7dc, 2DC tog, 1DC into each next 7 dc to end of the round – 16dc

Round 4 1DC into each 16dc
Next round dec) [2DC tog] 8 times – 8dc
Next round 1DC into each 8dc
Next round Rep last round

Next round *Make 25CH,
Next row Turn, 1CH, 1DC into each next 5ch, SL ST in next ch – then you’re going to crochet back up the 5 CH – 1DC in each ch - but this time along the other side – when you get to the tip of the hand work SL ST in each of the 5dc  from Hand and then SL ST into the remaining 20ch back down to the body**. 1DC in next dc then repeat from * to ** for the other arm.

Switch yarn to dress colour and use larger hook
Next row 1DC in each 8dc around – working into the dc beneath the chain that make each arm
Next row Rep last round 7 times.
-      Switch to a different colour if you want a different colour for the skirt
Next row inc) 2DC in next dc, 1DC in each next 3dc around, 2DC in next, 1DC in each next 3dc – 10dc
Next row 1DC in each 10dc around
Next row inc) 2DC in next dc, 1DC in each next 4dc around, 2DC in next, 1DC in each next 4dc – 12dc
Next row 1DC in each 12dc around
Next row inc) 2DC in next dc, 1DC in each next 5dc around, 2DC in next dc, 1DC in each next 5dc – 14dc
Fasten off

LEGS – make 2 alike
Next round Make 32CH,
Next row Turn, 1CH, 1DC into each next 7ch, SL ST in next ch – then you’re going to crochet back up the 7 CH – 1DC in each ch - but this time along the other side – when you get to the tip of the foot work SL ST in each of the 7dc from Hand and then SL ST into the remaining 25ch back down to the other end of the chain.

Sew the legs to the dress top - just under the skirt.

Cut even lengths of crochet cotton or any thread you wish to use, fold each strand in half and beginning at the crown stitches hook under one of the crochet stitches, grab hold of a length of hair yarn in its middle – at the fold and pull through the stitch to create a loop of hair yarn  - pass the cut ends through the loop and pull until the knot that you’ve created lies against the head.

Embroider a simple straight line for her mouth in black thread to complete.


Plucky hen.

I'm free - today... a happy hen loves free-dom right! -
Please go to my Ravelry page for more details... pluck


EGG - One of my favourite words... that and Lemon, for whatever reason, I don't know!
Anyhow, here's a eggstremely (I know, eggs are rather victim to the pun so I make no apologies!) easy stash-busting make... so let's CRACK ON (yay!) - PATTERN BELOW THE PIC
FINISHED SIZE Similar to a hen’s egg!   
YARN    Small amount of any dk or sport yarn (or 4-ply, aran or chunky) depends how
     small or large you’d like your egg to be! I used Quince and Co. and Drops
     Lima from my stash
NEEDLES  For the yarn I used - 3.25mm/ size 3
EXTRAS     Toy filling or scraps fabric, yarn for stuffing

Cast on 4sts
Row 1 inc) Kfb into each stitch - 8sts
Row 2 K
Row 3 inc) [K1, kfb] 4 times - 12sts
Row 4 K
Row 5 inc) [K2, kfb] 4 times - 16sts
Row 6 K
Row 7
inc) [K3, kfb] 4 times - 20sts
Rows 8 - 9 Garter stitch 2 rows.
Row 10 inc) [K4 ,kfb] 4 times - 24sts
Rows 11 - 12 Garter stitch 2 rows
Row 13
inc) [K7 ,kfb] 3 times - 27sts
Row 14 K
Row 15 inc) [K8 ,kfb] 3 times - 30sts
Rows 16 - 17 Garter stitch 2 rows
Row 18 inc) [K4 ,kfb] 6 times - 36sts
Row 19 K
Row 20 dec) [K4, skpo] 6 times - 30sts
Row 21 K
Row 22 dec) [K3, skpo] 6 times - 24sts
Rows 23 - 24 Garter stitch 2 rows
Row 25 dec) [K2, skpo] 6 times - 18sts
Row 26 K
Row 27 dec) [K1, skpo] 6 times - 12sts
Row 28 K
Row 29
dec) K2 tog 6 times - 6sts
Cut the yarn leaving a length that’s long enough to use for the seam, thread the end through the stitches and pull up to gather the stitches together.

This was the easiest way I found it to sew up:
Wrap the egg around the stuffing then sew up the seam - matching the shaping - working mattress seam - you can add a little more stuffing as you near the end of the seaming if it needs it.
Mould the completed egg with your hands to create that perfect egg shape.
Decorate your eggs at will - I simply embroidered on a few straight stitches radiating around some French knots and or some lazy daisy-ish flowers  - SEE SOME PRETTIES ON MY INSTAGRAM @dotpebbles FEED
- but really anything goes... they look lovely plain too!

#freebeefridayknits pattern 2

Hare - sitting - for Easter - here's the pattern (remember it's only free for 24 hours!) - oh my it's only next week isn't it! - Enjoy you weekend and I'll see you next week for another free pattern via Instagram @dotpebbles. Happiness is a ball of yarn and a pair of needles!


Each Friday I'm going to be giving away any one of my patterns for free - old ones and new ones like this one - more pictures see @dotpebbles Instagram

slow up... slow living

Years ago I wrote an embroidery book (Embroidererd Treasures - out of print now I think) but then I got into knitting and crochet and kind of tucked my threads and sharps away
- until now, thanks to fabulous embroidery artists like Sarah Benning I feel inspired to go slow and have another go - combining it with knitting of course! More pics here

Snowdrop season

Especially to celebrate these special first-of-the-year (here in the UK anyway) flowers here's a snowdrop inspired sweater design for Pixie! Get it here or here...
On a more morbid note - did-you-know that snowdrops are associated with death? Such beauty of certain things and certain people will never die...