
sorry i haven't been here in blogland totally for a couple of weeks - the odd pin now and then perhaps - but i have been making a structure for my son's school for a street parade that occurs once a year here in  Cornwall - a massive 8 foot olympic torch no less and to the other extreme i'd like to share with you my tiniest doll yet (7 inches tall) - i just need to do her arms so (free) pattern up tomorrow...


  1. Wow sounds like an epic torch...will Danny Boyle be wanting it for the opening ceremony do you think?

    Sarah -x-

    1. now that would be something - should I put it to the committee? Mind you - one small problem is it's made of paper and willow!

  2. What a cute little doll! I can't wait to make her :D

  3. She looks so adorable, I must make one! Thank you Claire :-). Dona


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