… keep toasty warm with these seasonally cosy don't stop-me-knitting-whatever-toasty-mitts to make over the Christmas holidays - my gift to you (free pattern here).
…for Pixie - her latest - for Christmas.
The pattern is available from Etsy, Ravelry or direct from me - just click here and you'll go straight to Paypal…
"Go on and have yourself a merry little knitmas now…"
Minnie-moo - flying off to America today - no wonder she's jumping for joy!
That said may I mention last post dates for guaranteed Christmas delivery from UK for my ready-mades-
Far East, Japan and New Zealand - today (still time but only just!); Australia - tomorrow; South America 7th; Eastern Europe 9th; USA Friday 13th; Western Europe 14th
Here is your chance to buy your own unique handmade OOAK Pixie.
This Pixie doll and all her clothes and teddy are made very slowly and carefully and entirely by me for you…
… and I loved every minute! Here are more details - Etsy!
Also the pattern for this doll (knitted as flat this time) and a pattern for her new outfit 'waiting for Santa' which includes the cute bear will be available to purchase as pdf tomorrow…
I'm just putting the finishing touches to a new flat-knitting-pattern Pixie and new 'waiting-for-Santa' outfit with the cutest of bears! - I'm also, for the first-time-ever selling the doll if anyone is interested?
As you can see by my script - I'm doing a lot of dashing!!
Ok, ok you've guessed it - I'm some crazy Halloween fan
but this is the last one
I promise
... and it is another freebee!
spook 'em badges cum choker here and here.... and there's some spooky goings on here too
...... Anyway - Christmas makes take centre stage soon!!
What's this?
- Frogs and toads & eyeballs - some kind of witchy goings on perhaps!
Perfect for hunt the eyeball Halloween fun this FREE pattern here... and ravelry
perfect little knits for your halloween capers me thinks!
Hop over here to get your pattern... or leap over to here...
... or plop yourself right here to buy now direct from this page...
hop along now...
ahem... this NEW pattern - available here comes with prior WARNING!
Wearing them may bring on the need to brisé or jeté or ... well, if you are not a pliable as you used to be...
P.S my teenage daughter adores them...
- so perhaps an early start to your Start Knitting Early for Christmas' plans!
(almost!) endless blue skies this summer have inspired a quick fix painted blue (existing) shelf for my bathroom
I'm happy - something so quick and simple..
... and cheap - I just added a blob of blue acrylic to some white eggshell both of which I had drying out in rusted tube/ tin in the garage - have made such a difference!
I love these barefoot sandals, they look so gorgeous on tanned feet (my daughter's here - not mine sadly!!) - this pattern here (for free) I've adapted from this brilliant pattern and from this facebook feed...
how we've loved picking through pretty petals to create floriferous haut couture with a vintage vibe for May's peg dollies... fleeting though they were a most pleasing moment in time!
... are all the talk at the moment so may I add mine & a special offer to celebrate the royal birth and mark the special date 22nd July - this baby pattern available here and here is marked down 22% and will be available at this price for 22 days - from today Thursday 25th July to Friday 16th August -
will yours be a boy or a girl?
... thousands of metres of yarn,
... extensive clickety clicks of my needles,
... copious man hours later...
I've finished my knitted alphabet x 2 (26 small, 26 medium/ large)
- the book is due out in the autumn so watch this space!
In the meantime - perhaps crochet letters - mmm!
vintage wondrousness at Trevoole Farm a real treasure & well worth a visit.
Totally inspiring and creative
- as you can tell I was completely spellbound and in awe when we went to see it on Sunday
- & that was in the rain!
... SPECIAL SUMMER OFFER FOR Pixie pattern from Etsy for only $4.20 (£2.85) - that's a whole 25% off! THE CODE - pixiein2016 These two beauties were made by Melissa - aren't they fab!
THIS Pixie Doll Pattern from Etsy (click this link)
The pattern retails normally for $5.60 (£3.68) but for this week only, from today - Friday 17th to Friday 24th, the pattern is available from Etsy at just $4.20 (£2.83) - a savvy saving of 25%!!!
... to celebrate - er, well - it being Friday again?
... Why not! :)