SANTA CLAWS - or - How to turn your Siamese Cat into a Persian Cat...
Free ROBIN Pattern
As part of my recent {Advent Event} on my Instagram account here is the link - CLICK HERE - to the pattern to knit this seasonal little feathered fellow for FREE!! NOTE - for the robin pictured I used different yarns to the ones mentioned in the pattern - basically yarns from my stash:Orange Drops Kid Silk and dark orange Drops Alpaca, Beige Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk and white Drops Sky plus white Kid Silk… And if you'd like the mouse too - the pattern is here - MOUSE IN A SWEATER
Feeling is believing - the softest cat you'll ever knit...
This is the ‘Yarn Code’ and small changes for the furry Siamese Cat pattern.
You might want to print this off (there is a link here to the pdf version of this text) and have it by the side of you as you knit from the original pdf pattern if you want to knit this cat.
Also, there are a couple of small changes, for example I’ve added another row so that the fur yarn becomes purl row on the right side – fur works better on the purl row.
I hope this doesn’t confuse you too much…
Just follow the pattern with this next to you and you’ll be good to knit the furry version!
These are the yarn substitutes but you also need to follow the code written below it; the colours I used are written in Italic and there is a substitute brand at the end of this list:
A 1 x 25g/ 9ox ball light pink mohair/ lace-weight yarn Drops Kid Silk shade 03 Light Pink
B 1 x 25g/ 9ox ball light beige mohair/ lace-weight yarn Drops Kid Silk shade 20 Light Beige
C 1 x 25g/ 9ox ball off-white mohair/ lace-weight yarn Drops Kid Silk shade 01 Off-White
D 1 x 25g/ 9ox ball off-white mohair / lace-weight yarn Drops Kid Silk shade 01 Off-White (yes, same as Yarn C – so where it may say Yarn CD – use 2 x white)
E1 x 25g/ 9ox ball brown yarn brushed DK/ light worsted yarnDrops Brushed Alpaca shade 05 beige (listed as an aran but knits like a DK)
F1 x 100g/ 36oz ball light pearly-grey Faux Fur yarn King Cole Luxury Fur shade Wolf – the gauge for this particular fur is 20 rows/ 16sts over 10cm with 5mm US 8 needles
To substitute the Drops Kid-Silk you can use either Rowan Kid Silk Haze or Rico Essentials Silk loves Mohair
To substitute the Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk you can use Rowan Alpaca Classic DK
For the Fur you need to find a yarn that matches the given gauge
Yarn AB= Pink and Beige Mohair
Yarn AC = Pink and Off-White Mohair
Yarn AD = on Pages 10 & 12 change yarn in pattern to yarn CD from list above so using off-white and off-white
I started the pick-up row and worked the first row with yarn CD then switched to yarn E, beige brushed DK for the remainder of the eye
Page 15 Sew up with yarn C
Yarn DE = Pink and Beige Mohair
Yarn AC = Pink and Off-White Mohair
Yarn AD = on Page 18 change yarn in pattern to yarn AB from list above so using Pink and Beige Mohair
End of Page 18 – do not switch needles yet
On Page 19, Row 10 switch to larger needles and change yarn to ABCE from list above (pink, beige and white mohair plus brushed DK)
Page 21 Rejoin yarn ABCE
Page 28 Rejoin yarn ABCE up to Tailthen switch to yarnF – fur yarn, so reverse the stocking stitch as follows:
Row 1 becomes Knit row
Row 2 Purl row (cast on 6 sts, purl to end) etc…
Yarn CDF = on Page 31 change yarn in pattern to yarn F from list above therefore using Fur yarn for the entire belly, so add another row at the beginning of the belly as follows:
Row 1 Knit
Therefore Rows 2, 4, 6 & 8 Purl
Etc. etc.
Yarn EEF = on Page 33 change yarn in pattern to yarn F from list above therefore using Fur yarn for the breast, so continuing from the row count as above (with that extra row) you’ll cast off for the Breast purl-wise …
And with WS facing pick up knit wise in the fur so that the fur is worked purl-wise on the right side.
Row 1 Knit, Row 2 Pfb, p to last st, pfb etc… (working reverse stocking stitch on other words)
Yarn CDF = on Page 34 change yarn in pattern to yarn CDD from list above (that’s 3 x off-white mohair
Foreleg Backs:
Yarn DEF = on Page 36 change yarn in pattern to yarn ABCE from list above (that’s 3 x off-white mohair
Lower Forelegs:
Yarn AAEF = on Page 36 change yarn in pattern to yarn BCDD from list above (that’s one beige and 3 x off-white mohair)
The Paw colour stays the same as the lower leg so:
Yarn AAB = on Page 37 change yarn in pattern to yarn BCDD from list above (that’s one beige and 3 x off-white mohair)
Hind Leg Feet:
Yarn AAB = on Page 37 change yarn in pattern to yarn ABCE - pink, beige, white mohair and brushed DK, from list above
Outer Ear
Yarn AB = on Page 50 change yarn in pattern to yarn ABCE from list above
Then change colour on Row 11 to BCD and work with these yarn to the ear peak
Inner Ear
Yarn F = on Page 50 change yarn in pattern to yarn CD from list above
For the nose embroidery I used a peach coloured embroidery thread.
For the claws and nose details I used a strand yarn E
I also threaded a length of the fur yarn inside the outer ear for a little extra fur in the ear.
And please ask if any of this doesn’t make sense!
I used tiny amounts Drops Brushed Alpaca (which equates to a DK-weight mohair yarn) with 2.50mm knitting needles.
You'll also need either a tiny bell or a little felted ball for the top of the hat.

W+Tk bring working yarn to the front of the work, slip next stitch knit-wise onto the RH needle, take working yarn to the back, slip the slipped stitch back onto the LH needle, turn the knitting = W+Tk (wrap and turn knit)
W+Tp take working yarn to the back of the work, slip next stitch purl-wise onto the RH needle, bring working yarn to the front, slip the slipped stitch back onto the LH needle, turn the knitting = W+Tp (wrap and turn purl)
With the top of the hat colour cast on 12sts
*Row 1 RS) K9, W+Tk
Row 2 WS) P9
Row 3 K6, W+Tk
Row 4 P6
Row 5 K3, W+Tk
Row 6 P3
Rows 7-8 Work two rows stocking stitch **
Rows 9-10 Repeat last 8 rows from * to ** 3 times. Cast off.
Match the cast-off edge with the cast-on edge (WS together) and join the seam with mattress stitch.
For the Rim - with the second colour cast on 24sts
Rows 1-2 K1, p1 all around. Cast off in k1, p1 rib.
Join the cast-on edge of the rim to the row ends at the base of the hat. Turn the rim up and over the rim-to-hat seam.
Join the little bell or the pom-pom ball onto the point of the hat.
Slip the hat over the mouse's ears to make him lovely and cosy!
All about Suri
Wanting more/ to know and learn more I looked it up -
Suri is a type of alpaca and it’s characteristics are this: Suri alpacas appear angular and slender due to their long, lustrous fibers that hang down against their bodies creating a beautiful, lustrous yarn ~ At this point I have to add it is naturally at the more expensive scale as far as yarn price goes but then a little goes a long way - 2 kittens from one skein for example... and if you shop wisely, many Suri yarn sellers pelt their own alpacas 🦙 and dye their own yarn so it’s a friendlier way to get a little luxury into your knit:
Some favourites I’ve found on Etsy ~ with the addition that some sellers will wind the skeins into cakes for you ~ YESSS to that!!!
LoomWool (UK)
LavenderCupcakes (Canada)
TheCamelsYarn (Cornwall/ UK)
MaisonLoopy (USA)
Zakami (UK)
BanjoRidgeSuriAlpaca (Australia)
LilyandPineFibreArts (Canada)
These are but a few and I’ve picked them because of the way they display the yarn in their photos - let me know if you or someplace you know sells Suri yarn and I’ll add to my list.
Toadstool Bookmark Pattern - it's fun (gi!)
There's also a how-to-make-up tutorial - see post below
And yes, penguins can fly!
Beginner's Bunny - Stage three. The last bit!
In this 15 minute knit-along I'll show you how to knit the body onto the head and finish the body and legs.
I'll teach you the easiest pick up and knit technique and re-visit wrap and turn, increase and decrease stitches and touch upon my finishing methods and how to get the best bunny shape that you'll be happy with.
If you want the free pattern - it's here for the full colour version and here for the text only/ ink saving version
Beginner's Bunny - Stage 2
How to add eyes and which eyes to use. Joining the ears and complete the head.
I also show you how to work 'wrap and turn' short rows.
All this whilst following the Beginner's Bunny pattern - which is here (as full colour) and here (as text only)
Beginner's Bunny - Stage One
In this 11 minute film I teach you how to cast on, to knit a row, to purl a row, to increase (KFB), to decrease (K2tog and Skpo) and to how to cast off - all reading to the Beginner's Bunny pattern - what you will end up with is the knitted head before joining together - that part is in Stage 2
Here's Hamster
This is the hamster's head pattern head as I promised - use it with the Beginner's Bunny pattern simply swapping bunny head with hamster head… and a few little changes:
The head and ears have changed - see pattern below.
If you work 4 x forelegs and use two as hind legs instead of the bunny hind legs.
And when you get to the last row of the body - work this instead for hamster's tail:
🌼 This little rainbow bunny is free for you - for ever 🌷
It's also a lovely place for a chat and it's not as instant - here today, gone tomorrow - as Instagram.
So I'll be here too if you need a bit more convo than the daily murmurings on IG.
Here are the pattern links:
Ravelry and a direct to the pdf is here - full colour and text only