be inspired by: a daffodil!

the first daffodil has arrived again in our hedge - a native one and so sweetly scented, but a little too early perhaps - we have had no really cold, icy weather to say that winter is here - however very, very welcome and she inspired me, with her golden sunshine... buy this soft golden yarn knit this daffodilly cardi for Pixie - FREE PATTERN HERE, also more pictures of the cardigan here...

be inspired by: beetroots!

blushing and bloody

this reddy, ruddy veg with its bright pink and puce juice.
these quite intriguing earthy beings are in season at the moment
and have inspired me to make, bake and take...
1. (make)... a beetroot beany for my newest pattern (soon to be uploaded) hare belle
2. (bake)...the most involved chocolate cake i've ever made in my life - but oh so moist and sublime (taken from nigel slater's book 'tender')
3. (take) a picture of these beetroot-ish shades of yarn i have for a very exciting new book project...

jaunty little thing!

my daughter made this the other day
all by herself with her little sewing machine Christmas present
and i love the way the loop sits at such a jaunty angle
and the button where it is -
unintentional in its design
but all the better, and cuter, for it..

Early bird...

early? because its such a lovely blue sky day here today - the birds are singing and all is well,
so a touch of spring cleaning... long way off indeed 'til spring
but that's how i feel today! an early springtime feeling and it's good...
...reminds me, must change my blog header...

Happy New Year!

my new year starts right now - the decorations are down and carefully packed away and now begins the new fresh start and some fresh new ideas for the coming spring - so happy new to you too!