pin it...

...or button it - my daughter wanted me to come up with little Easter gifts for her school friends - these are little badges knitted over buttons and are so quick to knit - the pattern is here... and here (ravelry)

...and speaking of pins - i now have a pinterest account which is a lovely way to share others' work - the link to that is to your right...
..and, i have to share this with you - i say 'there is a funny smell (hoping it's not a deceased mouse or something, 'though can't think what!) coming from the airing cupboard' he (husband) replies 'which one?' after a short pause, i say 'er, like...the only airing cupboard we have in the whole house...?!'     quite!


  1. years ago my sister-in-law moved into a brand new apt. before long there was a nasty smell in the kitchen but after looking in all the cupboards, nothing disgusting was found. finally had owners check it out - under the floor of one of the cupboards was a DEAD SKUNK!!! Can you imagine how bad that must have been!!!

    1. There can be nothing worse on Earth than a dead skunk - unless in death they start to smell sweet - 'though very much doubt it - still haven't resolved our little problem but can be rest assured it ain't a skunk - thank God for small mercies!!

  2. Hi Claire

    I follow your blog and have passed on the Leibster award to you - please see my blog for more details.

    Regards Anna

    1. Thank you so much Anna! Have a great day - I will now!
      Claire x

  3. Hi, I'm making your TRex from toys to see and am having a horrible time figuring out what to do with the legs. The photo doesn't seem to correspond to the directions and I'm terribly confused. Can you please offer some assistance? If so, please email me ASAP, as I need to have it finished by Sunday. Thanks so much,


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