Signs of Autumn #3

this is a sorry little tale... last friday we rescued two baby pigeons (we think they must have fallen from the nest, also the mother was nowhere in site), we took them home to look after them and all was well, although one was considerably smaller than the other, until yesterday when the smaller one died we think he/she couldn't digest the food properly - perhaps an internal injury after falling from the nest? we buried the dear little creature and i must admit the whole household was rather sad that sunday, it's quite curious how you get so attached to something like this - & a reminder how fragile life is... however the other chap is very much alive, growing well, starting to stretch his/her wings and preen and peck and is also learning to hop onto low things so we hope that there will be a happy tale to tell there - i'll keep you informed... i'd love any advise if you have any?


  1. Oh no what a shame. At least the other one is alive and well. I spotted a baby hedgehog on Friday that had just been bitten by a dog, unfortunately the vet said the poor thing had a crushed skull and so had to be put to sleep. That really had upset me too. I do hope your little furry friend is going make it. (I am new to your blog) Sue x

  2. Hi Sue - yes, the other one is very much alive and I'm pleased to say he/ she is feeding well and squeeks along (its birdy voice hasn't broken yet) to our singing which is so cute, also stretches out its wings to try to fly - i'll post another picture soon.
    Claire x


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